Suggested image sizes for a Fantasy Grounds Theme
What are the suggested image sizes for a Fantasy Grounds Theme? Here’s a list of the suggested image sizes for a GMW Campaign Toolkit theme
What are the suggested image sizes for a Fantasy Grounds Theme? Here’s a list of the suggested image sizes for a GMW Campaign Toolkit theme
This tutorial will show you how to open up a second instance of Fantasy Grounds in order to check your new theme’s dice tower.
It’s time to load your theme into Fantasy Grounds and we show you how to do it.
Now we are ready to hit the Make Theme button to generate our output extension file.
Don’t forget the hot bar when your designing your custom theme. Find out what two images you need.
The combat tracker is one of the most seen items during a Fantasy Grounds game. Learn how to replace your combat tracker background image.
The Curtain Image. What is it? Find out how to change it with the GMW Campaign Toolkit.
Follow along as we replace the right hand sidebar buttons with new buttons.
Find out how easy it is to replace the chatbox on the Fantasy Grounds desktop.
Add the name of your campaign and the current game session number to the title of the combat tracker.